Andrew Babu, a celebrated cinematographer with an extensive portfolio spanning 34 films in multiple languages, is making his directorial debut with an exciting project starring Anu Emmanuel and Shiva Kandukuri in the lead roles. Produced by London Ganesh and Dr. Praveen Reddy Vootla under the banners of Big Movie Makers Limited and My3 Arts, with Sithara Films Limited handling the line production, the film has unveiled its title and first look, launched by none other than Victory Venkatesh.
Titled Boomerang, the film promises to be an edge-of-the-seat thriller, exploring the intriguing theme of karma through two parallel storylines. The gripping first look poster sets the tone, showcasing Anu Emmanuel in a state of shock, with blood dripping from her head, while a menacing criminal stalks the mansion in the background. The chilling atmosphere is amplified by the presence of dogs and lifeless bodies, adding to the suspense.
Filmed across breathtaking locations in London, Boomerang aims to offer a spine-tingling cinematic experience. Andrew Babu also lends his expertise in cinematography for this project, while Anup Rubens composes the music. Kotagiri Venkateshwara Rao takes charge of editing, DRK Kiran serves as the art director.
Cast: Anu Emmanuel, Shiva Kandukuri, Viva Harsha, Vennela Kishore, S Nivaashiyni, Shani Salmon,
Mahendra etc.
Technical Crew:
Film Production Company: Big Movie Makers Limited & My3 Arts
Producers: London Ganesh & Dr. Praveen Reddy Vootla
Line Productions: Sithara Films Limited
Director & Director Of Photography: Andrew Babu
Music: Anup Rubens
Editor: Kotagiri Venkateshwara Rao
Art Director: DRK Kiran
Lyrics: Ramajogaya Sastry, Sreemani, Krishna
Executive Producer: Shani Salmon
PRO: Vamsi-Shekar
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