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Джанабаєва подарувала 59-річному Меладзе чергове поповнення в сімействі: якщо починати рік, то тільки так

Альбіна Джанабаєва подарувала Валерію Меладзе чергове поповнення в родині —якщо починати рік, то тільки так. Але це не оголошення чергової вагітності, а дещо цікавіше. Родина Валерія Меладзе та Альбіни Джанабаєвої давно стала однією з найскандальніших і водночас найцікавіших у шоу-бізнесі. Їхня історія кохання почалася не без галасу, адже тривалий час Альбіна була не просто бек-вокалісткою […]

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Василь Вірастюк вп’яте став батьком і показав новонародженого синочка (фото)

Стронгмен і нардеп Василь Вірастюк вп’яте став батьком. Радісну новину 50-річний спортсмен повідомив у своєму Instagram. Зокрема, малюка Василю Вірастюку народила його кохана Ірина, яка молодша за нього на 11 років. Синочок з’явився на світ 6 січня у пологовому будинку в Чернівцях. Пара назвала його Ярославом. Василь Вірастюк вже показав паспорт новонародженого малюка, де вказані […]

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Imagine How Rich You’d Be If You Bought All Of Saudi Arabia’s Oil Exploration Rights Back In 1949. That’s What J. Paul Getty Did…

Today Saudi Arabia is the world's largest oil producer. In 1949, it was a barren desert that had never produced a drop. But that didn't stop Jean Paul Getty from acquiring the majority of the area's oil rights and subsequently becoming the richest person in the world!

Read more: Imagine How Rich You'd Be If You Bought All Of Saudi Arabia's Oil Exploration Rights Back In 1949. That's What J. Paul Getty Did…

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Stamps paying tribute to The Vicar of Dibley being issued by Royal Mail

STAMPS paying tribute to The Vicar of Dibley are being issued by the Royal Mail.

Eight scenes, including when Geraldine, played by Dawn French, jumps in a puddle, will feature in a celebration of the sitcom which ran from 1994 to 2007.

A Vicar of Dibley stamp depicting Geraldine Granger stuck in mud.
Not known, clear with picture desk
One of the stamps depicts when Geraldine, played by Dawn French, jumps in a puddle[/caption]
Royal Mail stamp featuring a scene from *The Vicar of Dibley*.
This stamp shows Geraldine forcing David Horton to smile after hearing that Alice and Hugo are expecting a baby
The Vicar of Dibley 2nd class postage stamp.
One stamp shows Geraldine at the chaotic wedding ceremony of Hugo and Alice
£1.00 stamp featuring David Horton from The Vicar of Dibley holding a sign that says "NO NO NO NO NO".
This stamp shows Jim writing his characteristic response “No, no, no, no, no” on a piece of paper to avoid waking Alice and Hugo’s baby

Other characters in the set include Jim Trott, parish council chairman David Horton and Alice and Hugo.

One stamp shows Geraldine at the chaotic wedding ceremony of Hugo and Alice.

Another stamp shows Geraldine forcing David Horton to smile after hearing that Alice and Hugo are expecting a baby.

The recurring scene where Geraldine attempts to tell Alice a joke in the vestry over a cup of tea is also depicted.

Also included are stamps of Frank Pickle and Owen Newitt performing in the Dibley Christmas show, while another shows Jim writing his characteristic response “No, no, no, no, no” on a piece of paper to avoid waking Alice and Hugo’s baby.

One of the best remembered scenes of the sitcom found Geraldine taking charge of a dance routine alongside Dame Darcey.

This moment, and a scene where Geraldine samples a sandwich made by Letitia Cropley, are both featured on £2.80 stamps.

Royal Mail’s David Gold, said: “The superb writing and the warmth and idiosyncrasies of its characters made The Vicar of Dibley one of the most loved TV comedies of all time.

“We celebrate the series with new stamps revisiting some of the show’s classic moments.”

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